Runway Surface
Pressure Alt. (feet) | 0°C | 10°C | 20°C | 30°C | 40°C |
0 | 545 | 565 | 585 | 605 | 625 |
1000 | 565 | 585 | 605 | 625 | 650 |
2000 | 585 | 610 | 630 | 650 | 670 |
3000 | 610 | 630 | 655 | 675 | 695 |
4000 | 630 | 655 | 675 | 700 | 725 |
5000 | 655 | 680 | 705 | 725 | 750 |
6000 | 680 | 705 | 730 | 755 | 780 |
7000 | 705 | 730 | 760 | 785 | 810 |
8000 | 735 | 760 | 790 | 815 | 840 |
Pressure Alt. (feet) | 0°C | 10°C | 20°C | 30°C | 40°C |
0 | 1290 | 1320 | 1350 | 1380 | 1415 |
1000 | 1320 | 1350 | 1385 | 1420 | 1450 |
2000 | 1355 | 1385 | 1420 | 1455 | 1490 |
3000 | 1385 | 1425 | 1460 | 1495 | 1530 |
4000 | 1425 | 1460 | 1495 | 1535 | 1570 |
5000 | 1460 | 1500 | 1535 | 1575 | 1615 |
6000 | 1500 | 1540 | 1580 | 1620 | 1660 |
7000 | 1545 | 1585 | 1625 | 1665 | 1705 |
8000 | 1585 | 1630 | 1670 | 1715 | 1755 |
This calculator uses data from the Cessna 172S POH, which assumes a weight of 2550 pounds, flaps set at 30 degrees, power off, maximum braking used, a paved, level, and dry runway, zero wind, and a speed of 61 KIAS at 50 feet.
First, data is interpolated from the temperature and pressure numbers given.
Next, headwind and tailwind is used to modify the previous calculations. For this calculator, distances are decreased by 10% for each 9 knots of headwind, and distances are increased by 10% for each 2 knots of tailwind.
If a grass runway is selected, the ground roll is increased by 45%, and that increase is then added into the total value.
Finally, the distances are increased by 35% if the option of flaps retracted is selected.
This calculator is intended to be used for demonstration purposes only to aid in understanding how takeoff and landing calculations are made. This calculator should never be used as a replacement to required performance calculations.